My Story

My name is Jeremy Pitoy. I am 17 years old. I was injured in a car accident last september, that had changed my whole life. I had incomplete C5-6 (neck) spinal cord injury. I thank God that my spinal cord was not severed, but it was badly contused. I have been paralyzed since the accident. My upper body is getting stronger & after 6 weeks, I started to move my left toes. Now I have more movements on my left leg. but still none on my right.

I have a hope and dream that one day I will walk again. There is a little problem though. The outpatient therapy that I am getting in the hospital is limited due to health insurance. I was told that these therapies will only help me to be more independent on the wheelchair. One day I was introduced to a physical therapy and training that are unlike any others... It’s called Adapt Advance.

I believe with your prayers and intense therapy will help my dream comes true... my dream to walk

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

June 2009 - JP update

June 9th, 2009 - Jeremy Pitoy had more progression as he walked on parallel bars 30 meters (about 100ft). He walked more actually with only Jared (Trainer) hold JP's body with a strap. Thank God!!

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